2023 Annual General Meeting - Aug 16, 2023

2023 Annual General Meeting - Aug 16, 2023

Friends of San Jose Family Camp is meeting at Luigi's on Wednesday, August 16, 2023 at 6:30 pm for dinner (pizza) followed by the Annual General Meeting at 7:00 pm.  

If you have not already paid for your 2023 membership, you can complete your membership form and payment for membership during the dinner before the meeting in order to be a member in good standing so you can cast your vote.  Membership fees are collected yearly.  
At the meeting we will be voting first on the amended Constitution and By-Laws and then on the upcoming 2024 Board of Directors for Friends of San Jose Family Camp. The Friends of San Jose Family Camp have 9 positions on the Board of Directors.   
President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary - 4 Board Officers
5 Board Members at Large. Since we do not have a current Board of Directors, we need to stagger the terms of the Officers to be compliant with our By-Laws.  
President - 2 year term
Vice President - 1 year term
Secretary - 2 year term
Treasurer - 1 year term 
Below is the list of nominated members:
President -  Michele Bo
Vice President - Tyler Barkwill
Secretary - Margo Gorini
Treasurer -  Open 
Member at Large - Stephanie Lykam
Member at Large - Ray Pirlot
Member at Large - Michael Jennings
Member at Large - Angela Corcorran
Member at Large - Ralph Occhipinti
Member at Large - Ed Massey
Attached, please find the By-laws and the Constitution that we will be voting on at the
Annual General Meeting.  After voting on these documents, we will proceed with voting for 
the Board of Directors of Friends of San Jose Family Camp. 
In order to vote, you must be a member in good standing with your paid 2023 dues.  Voting for these items cannot be done by proxy or absentee voting. You will be able to vote via zoom meeting if you cannot make it to Luigi's on August 16, 2023. We will be having a zoom meeting at the same time as the onsite Annual General Meeting at Luigi's in Campbell. Pizza and soda is hosted by the Friends of San Jose Family Camp.
1- Call to order
2. Introduction to meeting - purpose
3. Voting on the amended Constitution and By-Laws
4. Election of Board of Directors
5. Financials - 501(c)3 information
6. New Business
7. Old Business
8. Adjournment

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