Nominations for 2025 elections now open

Nominations for 2025 elections now open

Hello Friends! It's that time of year again when you can help us the most by nominating yourself or someone else to join our Board of Directors. Our Board meets monthly to work on planning, logistics and various tasks to support our mission to make the camper experience at Family Camp at Yosemite enjoyable and affordable for everyone. Our all volunteer board is comprised of 4 officer positions and 5 member at large positions. Nominations begin today for 4 positions that are up for re-election this year.
We also have an immediate opening for a Member at Large position. If you are interested in that open position, apply today!
All current standing board members up for re-election are seeking re-election to their existing positions. Terms are for 2 years.
Current board members- Board members and committees
Vice President - Incumbent officer Tyler Barkwill is seeking re-election
The Vice-President, shall, in the event of absence, disability or death of the President, possess all the powers and perform all the duties of that office, until such time as the Board of Directors shall elect one of its members to fill the vacancy. The Vice-President shall perform such other duties as the President of the Board may designate. The Vice-President shall be the designated liaison with the City of San Jose.
Treasurer - Incumbent officer Suzanne Khan is seeking re-election
The Treasurer will provide quarterly financial reports that includes a summary of the membership status. Treasurer will provide an end-of-year financial report. Treasurer also shall be responsible for the preparation of any and all papers pursuant to the Articles of Incorporation and Tax Exemption status of this Organization for the Internal Revenue Service and the State of California Franchise Tax Board and the Office of the Attorney General. The Treasurer shall maintain the history of the financial, tax, and required reporting documents. 
Member at Large - Members Ed Massey and Michael Jennings are both seeking re-election
Members at Large are tasked with leading planning committees and provide assistance with projects and tasks as needed. Additional duties may be assigned as designated by the Board.
Nominations are open from Sept 13 - Oct 13
Candidates will be announced Oct 13
Elections will take place at our Annual General Meeting on Nov 13. Time and location TBA.
If you are interested in nominating somebody or yourself, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your interest or intent to run. 
Thank you!

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